German Company

pi-lar GmbH​

Intended Cooperation

  • end customers 
  • partners who can co-develop the product according to their own needs
  • partners who can also offer technical service 
  • distributors
  • government

Not tied to specific sectors


neuropil is a security library that can be implemented in any product to utilize the protocol for better encryption


  • decentralized solution
  • prevents organizational overload
  • open source
  • end-to-end encryption
  • co-development options 

pi-lar GmbH is a SME located in Cologne, Germany. The core competence is the field of enterprise integration architecture, a special focus has been established on information security and preserving technologies.

The neuropil Cyber Security mesh is a new approach to counter cyber- attacks and to minimize the attack-surface to a minimum. The foundations are based on modern concepts like named-data networks, self- sovereign identities, Zero trust architectures and attribute-based access control to increase the cybersecurity level of their users. 

Arrange an appointment for an
initial consultation

Are you interested in one of our projects? Then book a consultation now. We will be happy to present the project to you.

Philip Okito

General Manager and Co-Founder

free of charge & without obligation

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