We look back on a successful business initiation in the Indonesian water industry. From 19 to 23 June 2023, trAIDe GmbH organized a groundbreaking event together with project partner Bright Indonesia. Twelve German companies from the water, wastewater and waste management sectors came together to meet experts and representatives from the industry.
The participants enjoyed a comprehensive program ranging from briefings and presentations by high-level speakers to intensive B2B meetings. A highlight was the reception at the German Embassy in Jakarta, where political and economic aspects were highlighted. An impressive 60 B2B meetings took place, accompanied by a best-practice tour of a company in the water and wastewater treatment sector. This provided valuable insights and promoted an intensive exchange of experiences among the German companies.
The event not only helped to strengthen business relationships, but also provided insights into the dynamics and potential of the Indonesian water management market. The project was carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and represents a significant project-related funding measure as part of the market development program for SMEs.