The Partnering in Business with Germany Program (PG), initiated by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), supports small and medium-sized German companies in opening up foreign markets. The focus is on emerging and developing countries, including South Africa.
With its stable democratic institutions and abundant natural resources, South Africa offers great potential for growth, particularly in the field of renewable energies and environmental technologies. The South African delegation consists of food companies interested in export opportunities, joint ventures and international partnerships. They represent health and superfoods, agricultural products and wine production.
The visit to Germany is the centerpiece of the MP. The participating managers have spent the last few months preparing for these two weeks from October 30 to November 12, 2023. They have organized their own appointments to implement their cooperation ideas on the German market. As trAIDe, we support them with the logistics surrounding these appointments and also offer an extensive program to introduce them to the German economy.
This includes visits to German companies, which can present themselves as a result, as well as further training courses that take place in person. In the end, the participants will have got to know the German economy at first hand both as a group through the program and individually through their B2B appointments and will have come a little closer to opening up their market. They will have made contacts with German companies and may have already signed their first contracts.